God Loves You Because You Are Transgender


take these with you on your journey


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An independant LGBTQIA+ Affirming Church Directory


Everybody Church

An affirming faith community.

Connect with people on social media.


Agape Fellowship of Atlanta

An affirming faith community.

in Metro Atlanta.


Mama Bears

A community of parents of LGBTQI+ kids, and parents who are themselves LGBTQI+


Queer Theology

Discover the depths of your faith, and how it resonates with your God-given transgender nature.


Where True Love Is

LGBTQIA+ Affirming Devotionals and Resources.


Pastor June Joplin

Pastor June is a transgender woman and Baptist pastor from Canada.


Pastor Paula Stone Williams

Paula is a transgender woman, and a pastor from Colorado. You might've watched her TED talk. It's good!


Transforming, by Austen Hartke

This very kind book will hold your hand, as you explore the many ways of being a transgender Christian.


Transfigured, by Suzanne DeWitt Hall

a 40-day exploration of scripture through the lens of a God who is the designer of gender in all it’s magnificent variety.

Amy's Picks

these resources were fundamental for me coming to terms with my transgender nature, and more generally how God actually works not just for people like me, but for everyone.


The Book
by Alan W. Watts

You can buy this book if you want, but it's a free read on archive.org (link above).

For me, this book was approachable, specifically because it wasn't weighted down by the history of the Christian faith, and all of the cultural and political baggage that comes along with it. Instead this book is a breathtaking stroll through the wonder of what it means to be a human, through the lens of Vedanta Hinduism (but not exclusively).


The Universal Christ
by Richard Rohr

According to the forward, the name of this book was almost "God Loves Things by Becoming Them".

For me, this was like the second half of Alan Watts' The Book ... in that it dove into far greater detail, and in my native tongue of Christianity! This book really really helped me and I cannot reccomend it enough. They made a video trailer for the book, you should watch it. Then go get the book and read it.


Love Wins
by Rob Bell

What you've been told, is not the only way to understand the Christian story.

This book digs deeply into the various theories of "Heaven" and "Hell" found in the Christian faith, and frankly discusses the practical implications of them and re-examines the scriptural foundations for these fully-human-made ideas. It's very good.

Also, and it's not related to the book, but I suspect you'll love this video just as much as I do. Settle in, it's a ride :-)