God does not squint to look around you.
You are fullly known and fully loved for the nature placed
within you from the womb.
not in spite of it.
You might never hear this from a pulpit, or from your parents, or anyone. I was lucky with friends who pointed the way. I made this site for you, because you should not need to be lucky to know this.
In truth, I'm hesitant to write anything at all here. But I felt, for at least this innaugural 'issue', some explianation was in order.
I'm hesitant to write because I know approximately nothing about God, Religion, Spirituality, Councelling, or anything that matters. I do know how to write code, and make websites. So there's that. Also I'm transgender, and so there's that too.
Like most every transgender person I know, I've been through some shit. If you're trans, I suspect you have been too! I was a rather staunch athiest prior to my life blowing completely apart, as one's life does when one is inescapably careening toward gender transition whilst living amogst the growing ruins of a life not compatible with said transition.
I found that transition is an inherently spiritual experience. It is impossible to avoid deep questions about who one is, and about how one fancies that one might fit into the grand scheme of life on this Earth. The experience of transition drove me back to the faith tradition I had been raised in, but now I found myself approaching as the ultimate outsider: coming from a place of skeptical unbelief, and at the same time rejected as an outcast by the loudest, most fundamental voices of that tradition.
How on Earth did I ever come to the point where I felt moved to build something like this?
The short answer, is that randomly, I happened to have the right friends, and those friends were members of an affirming church the next town over. Without hyperbole, what I found at that church saved my life.
In hindsight, I can see it for what it was, the hand of God, incarnate in other people.
Since I came out of the closet, and unabashedly joined the transgender commuinity, I have met transgender engineers, and veternarians, tons of IT people like myself ... I've met doctors and laywers and military folks ... but the profession I've ran into more than any other: pastors.
So many pastors, and ex-pastors. Every one of them, on one level or another, struggling with the same crap I was. I found that incredibly moving, because I'll tell ya what, when I first typed 'transgender' into Google, what I didn't find were a bunch of pastors telling me "hey, Jesus loves you for this, relax its gonna be ok".
Far from it. If you're reading this you already know what I found. Exploitation porn, and heaps of religious condemnation written by people who, though often kind at heart, were simply coming from a place of ignorance. Others were less kind. Either way it amounted to the same thing from my perspective. I could be forgiven for coming away with the impression that I was broken, and that there was no rest to be found for me here. If I hadn't been lucky, I'd probably have ended it all in 2018. If I had, I'd have merely been a statistic. So many of us die that way, it's practically a trope.
I'm convinced that the reason so many of my transgender siblings were called to ministry (even before they had a grip on the fact that they were transgender), is precicely because this community needs them so badly. We are a marginalized community, largely living in existential pain and often suffering under the bullshit notion that God isn't ok with us. That God didn't make us this way intentionally.
This site exists to be a place that loudly states that transgender people are beloved of God. If you are interested in writing for the site, please see our github repo
psst ... hey terrified trans person googling your condition, hoping it doesn't mean you're going to hell ...
see my picture up there? That's me holding my grandson literally two nights ago. Two years ago, my family and my relationship
to my kids were a smoking crater. I couldn't even begin to imagine the possibilities and healing in store.
I am not saying the outcome is determinate.
I'm not saying "hey we got answers over here and you too will be reunited
with your formerly estranged kids and the world will be unicorns and rainbows with Jesus"
Here's what I'm saying, and I'm hoping to give voice to others who will say it far better:
there are others like you out here, you are loved, you are valid, and
you are a precious child of God.
As. Is.
don't ever let anyone tell you different.
Knowing just that and not a lot more, has made every difference for me.
God made you this way on purpose. It's gonna be ok.
now I shall return to writing code, and let the pastors speak for themselves